Expected species off Oregon

See ebird link below for the details.  The more common and a few highly sought after offshore species are listed below with a short note about seasons.

Link to ebird bar charts

Long-tailed Jaeger

An Aug-Sept bird.  Less common earlier in summer

Parasitic Jaeger

Late summer through October.  Less common earlier in summer

Pomarine Jaeger

Unusual in winter.  Frequent in summer, common Sept. to Oct

South Polar Skua

Common Aug-Oct. Can be seen earlier in summer.

Rhinoceros Auklet


Tufted Puffin

A summer bird along coast, sometimes spotted offshore

Cassin's Auklet

Year-round, very common in late summer through fall

Parakeet Auklet

Winter target bird

Marbled Murrelet

Year-round, easier to spot in summer months with better ocean conditions

Pigeon Guillemot

Common summer bird, less common earlier in year

Common Murre


Ancient Murrelet

Can be seen year-round, but more of a late fall winter bird.

Scripp's Murrelet

Sought after treasure, late summer fall

Black-legged Kittiwake

Common winter bird, harder to find in summer and fall.

Sabine's Gull

A late spring through fall bird.  Large numbers can be seen on right day in late summer/fall.

Arctic Tern

Fall migrant

Common Tern

Fall migrant

Laysan Albatross

Becoming more common.  Any season.  Always a good bird to see.

Black-footed Albatross

A few can be spotted in winter but can be abundant in summer and fall.

Short-tailed Albatross

Highly sought after winter bird.  It can be seen at any season.

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel

Spring and summer but can be seen at any time of year.

Leach's Storm-Petrel

A spring bird, but we need more trips off southern Oregon to see numbers possible.

Northern Fulmar

Abundant in fall and winter.  Can be seen year-round,

Murphy's Petrel

Spring off southern Oregon.  target species.

Mottled Petrel

Scattered records winter through spring. Need to search more for this one offshore. More trips off southern Oregon needed. Rare.

Hawaiian Petrel

A summer bird being seen more often.  Rare.

Cook's Petrel

Scattered records offshore spring and fall.  Not enough trips off southern Oregon to know much more. Rare.

Pink-footed Shearwater

Similar to Sooty in seasons.  

Flesh-footed Shearwater

Sought after fall visitor.  One or two on a trip is a treat.

Buller's Shearwater

A late summer fall visitor. Can be abundant on a good day.

Sooty Shearwater

Rare in winter but huge number arrive summer and fall.

Short-tailed Shearwater

Fall and winter.  Recently being seen in more numbers in fall.

Other birds seen:  loons, cormorants, variety of more common gulls,  migrating passerines, waterfowl and shorebirds. 

Marine mammals (whales, dolphins, porpoises, sea lion, fur seal) .

Shark and sunfiish.

See the ebird link at top for the mega rarities.